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Link2SD 1.6.0 Download

Link2SD description

Link2SD is an application that makes it easy for Android users with root privileges on their phone to move applications to the SD card.

The idea behind is same with apps2sd scripts, linking applications to SD card's second partition but differs in two ways.

One, instead of linking /data/app folder (that means moving all applications), you can select applications that you want to move.

Two, it's an application, which means has a user interface. You can manage your applications, create or remove links with just one click.

What you need:
- root permission.
- a second partition on your SD card.

You should have two partitions on SD card and both should be primary.

The first FAT partition is your standard SD card storage. The second partition is used for application files and can be ext2, ext3, ext4 or FAT32.

Some phones lack the ext2, ext3 or ext4 file system support and you may get mount errors like "no such device", "invalid argument". These phones need ext2.ko or ext3.ko modules and even some additional modules to be able to mount. Using FAT32 on the second partition will eliminate such problems, because FAT32 is supported on all phones.

Link2SD does not create ext2 partition, you need to create it yourself. You can use any partition manager such as Minitool, Paragon, Easeus etc. for this.

How it works:

Link2SD mounts the second partition of your SD card and makes OS mounts it at boot time.

When you press "Create Link" button it moves apk file and dalvik-cache file (if you select) to SD card's 2nd partition and creates symbolic links in original directories.

Note: After this step, application icon disappears from the phone on Android 1.6 and 2.1, but after reboot you can see and run without problems (if any, shourtcut and the widget of the app should be re-added to homescreen after reboot).
On 2.2+ reboot is not required.

Requirements :

· Android 1.6 or later
· root permission
· a second partition on your SD card

Download :

Link2SD 1.6.0

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  • Root Explorer v2.15 Android Apk (2.15) Download

    Requirements: Android OS 1.1 - 2.3

    Overview: The ultimate file manager for root users. Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!).


    Features include SQLite database viewer, Text Editor, create and extract zip or tar/gzip files, multi-select, execute scripts, search, remount, permissions, bookmarks, send files (via email, bluetooth etc), image thumbnails, APK binary XML viewer, change file owner and group.

    Recent changes :


    New change owner function. Allows owner and group to be changed for files and folders. Accessible from context menu.

    Added special permissions (Set UID, Set GID, Sticky bit) to permissions dialog.

    Respect "Show friendly file sizes" preference when displaying size in properties dialog.

    Download :

    Root Explorer v2.15
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